Some progress on this bad boy!!
Saruman Knight models
Aquí os dejo la comparación entre la antigua versión de SARUMAN que realicé y esta nueva. En esta ocasión opté por una versión muy agrisada del personaje que creo que encaja muy bien con su trasfondo de mago corrupto en el intento de conseguir más poder para sí mismo.
Aquí os dejo el enlace a CMON para cualquiera que quiera dejar su voto, Gracias!!!
Here you have a comparison Between my first version of SARUMAN from knight models and this newest one. This time I went for a much greyer version as I thought that fits Saruman's background as a fallen wizard in his attempt of getting more power for himself. I placed as well a Palantir in his hand.
Here I leave the link to CMON just in case you want to drop your vote, Cheers!!!
Samson Zombicide Black plague WIP3:
I changed some of the colours as the yellow leather gloves didn´t convince me at all.
Closer to the end now.
Samson Zombicide WIP2: Black plague
Not quite sure on the yellow leather gloves.I changed the leather armour as I didn't really like it. I cannot wait for the whole set of heroes of my Zombicide black plague game finished.
Samson Zombicide: Black plague
After the black orcs unit I need something chilled out to relax with no pressure and something quick. Recently I bought Zombicide: black plague and it is amazing!!So much fun!
Here you see Samson, the dwarf survivor from the black plague zombicide game.
Después de la unidad de orcos negros necesitaba algo relajado, sin ninguna presión y rápido de pintar. Recientemente adquirí la caja de Zombicide black plague y es increíble, muy divertido de jugar!
Aquí tenéis un avance de Samson, el superviviente enano del juego Zombicide black plague.
Black orcs- Orcos negros
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The whole idea behind this project started in my mind like 3 years ago and was representing a band of orcs invading an imperial city. As you will be able to see on the base, there are some shields and swords. The forgeworld orcs are pretty amazing, with an insane level of detail. The banner for instance tested my nerves as there were thousands of little details to pay attention, as the skulls, symbols, bones... I tried to used really saturated colours with really primary yellows and reds. If you pay attention you will see that even the metallic parts have a good proportion of colour as well. I hope that you like it as much as I enjoyed painting it.
If you fancy leaving a vote, please leave it here:
Any comments or critics are really welcome.
Best regards,
La idea que hay detrás de este proyecto surgió hace aproximadamente 3 años y era representar una banda de orcos invadiendo una ciudad imperial. Como podréis apreciar se pueden ver escudos y espadas en la base para representarlo. Los orcos de forgeworld son una pasada, con un nivel de detalle impresionante. El porta estandarte por ejemplo puso a prueba mis nervios, ya que hay demasiados detalles a los que prestarles atención. He usado un esquema de color con bastante saturación , recurriendo a amarillos y rojos muy saturados, incluso los metales tienen un contenido en color bastante alto. Espero que os guste tanto como a mi me gustó pintar esta obra.
Si os apetece dejar vuestro voto aquí os dejo el enlace:
Cualquier comentario o crítica son bienvenidos.
Un saludo,
Black orcs WIP8- Orcos negros en proceso 8
Endless amount of details in this miniature, just when I think I finished one part I realize that I missed some part!! Really enjoyable though.
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