

Necromancer WIP 4- Nigromante

Finally it is finished, Changed the colour of the stick as the customer didn´t really liked it in black.

Here I leave the link to CMON, just in case you feel like voting.

Any of your comments are very welcome,

Best regards,



Nigromante WIP3-Necromancer WIP3

The necromancer would be finished in this stage but the customer said he didn't really fancy the stick in black colour, so the final stage will be changing that.



Nigromante WIP 2

More progress with the Games workshop's necromancer, really enjoyable miniature to paint, Really encourage you to paint one!!


Silver medal Monte San Savino-Medalla de plata en Monte San Savino.

Really happy with the silver medal I won at Monte San Savino Show in the Fantasy Standard Category.

Congratulations to all the winners and well done to all the participants.

As well I got some candy from the stand of MICHAEL KONTRAROS.

Here some photos of the event:

Fantasy Standard Painting I.
Fantasy Standard Painting II.
Open Standar Fantasy.

Link to Volomir's Facebook with better photos than mine in the Master category.

Muy contento con la medalla de plata en mi categoría, Fantasy Standard Painting.

Enhorabuena a todos los ganadores y buen trabajo a todos los participantes.

Además compré alguna chuchería de MICHAEL KONTRAROS.

Aquí algunas fotos del evento:

Fantasy Standard Painting I.
Fantasy Standard Painting II.
Open Standar Fantasy.

Link al facebook the Volomir con mejores fotos en la categoría Máster.



Gandalf is finished now, hope you like it. Any comments are very welcome.

Link to CMON.

Best regards,



Gandalf WIP

Painting a miniature is always a challenge without any kind of doubt, but painting a portrait is one challenge even bigger!! Lets see how this Gandalf the grey is going to be...


Vampire counts banner

A Banner for a grave guard unit, I won't be painting it, but I hope it will fit with the rest of the unit.



Legolas LOTR

This mini reminded me to the infinity miniatures...tiny, tiny.




Dwarf longbeards-Enanos barbaslargas

Ya la unidad está CASI terminada. Espero que se entienda qué es lo que se ve sin necesidad de explicarlo, pero por si acaso ahí va:

Mi ejército ,desde que nació la intención de hacerlo en el 2008 , me lo imaginaba como un contingente enano reconquistando una fortaleza caída a manos orcas. Por eso los símbolos orcos aquí y allá en las peanas. Aquí como podéis ver hay iconos orcos , cabezas empaladas, setas y totems orcos. Estos enanos barbaslargas están atrincherados en unas escalinatas. Si apreciáis la imagen se ven unas setas plantadas en lo que antaño fue un plinto con estatuas enanas. Ahora los goblins las utilizan para plantar setas.

Aquí el link a CMON por si queréis dejar vuestro voto.

This is the unit ALMOST finished. I hope that you understand the idea without me explaining what is going on, but just in case here we go:

Since I started it in 2008, I imagined it as a dwarf throng reconquering a fallen dwarf fortress in orcs hands. Because of that you can see here and there some orc symbols, impaled orc heads, mushrooms and totems. These dwarf longbeards are entrenched in the staircase  of the fortress. If you take a look you will see some mushrooms in what it used to be somo dwarfs plinths, now used as field to grow toxic mushrooms.

Here the link to CMON if you want to drop a vote.


Dwarf longbeards-Enanos barbaslargas.

Seguimos dándole a los enanos barbaslargas, ya va quedando menos...

Keep working in the dwarf longbeards, less way to achieve the goal...